Title is currently available on amazon.com.
This collection of short fiction, essays, blog posts and poetry covers decades of writing from both a very personal, emotional perspective, as well as Davida’s creative fiction. and public forms from her blog posts and newspaper columns.
The short stories are powerful and insightful – from her real-life experiences surviving a level-three hurricane as told in “The Hurricane” to a beautiful short story entitled “House Spirit” that explores a woman’s love for a home she must leave…but not before putting her spiritual imprint on each of the rooms. There is the notable tribute to female friendship in “Friends, Lost and Found” and two very romantic love short stories entitled “Love Time” and “Absolution.” And there is the haunting “Many Lives Lived,” a mourner’s deep, stream-of-conscience reflections on her life after the loss of a loved one.
The essays run the gamut from exploring aging and the technological age in which we live, cutting the cord with grown children, and how the arts affect our lives. The poetry is set in a backdrop of the Caribbean. Let loose your imagination and the stories will take you to white sand beaches, crystal blue waters with flying fish and romantic sunsets as you sip a rum punch on tropical islands.